Bill B

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  • in reply to: Owners manual #414
    Bill B

    Please raise further questions in the Tech Support forum. thx

    in reply to: Solo twitches and Speed Issues #409
    Bill B

    You can set WPNAV_SPEED in the parameters view. The speed between WP in cm/s ie 500 is 5m/s

    I’m not sure about the glitch between WPs, i need to look into how that can be adjusted by the parameters. It’s part of the vehicle config, and not really a MAVPilot issue.

    I will be adding Config Screens so items like WPNAV_SPEED etc are easily set using a slider for example.

    in reply to: Owners manual #405
    Bill B

    Then list of how the commands behave on copter are here

    in reply to: Owners manual #397
    Bill B


    Sorry there is no “Owners Manual” yet. I was thinking of doing a video on Mission Planning. I’ll do a picture based walkthrough this weekend. In the meantime or you may want to try Guided Mode (scroll to bottom)

    The steps below are for a simple mission flown after a manual takeoff.

    1. Start in Mission View, and select refresh so you can see a valid Home entry.
    2. Go to Map View. You can add a waypoint by long-pressing on the screen, select the ‘green with yellow’ circle. Place a waypoint near where you plane to take off i.e.. drone home location
    3. Repeat with a number of mission items.
    4. To ‘upload’ to the vehicle, go to Mission View and select ‘Upload’ from the ‘options icon’ (top left)
    – The share icon is RED, if the mission has not been uploaded
    – The message ‘saved’ is shown, on successful upload. options icon will be in green
    Mission List
    5. You can verify the Waypoint attribute for each mission item by electing the ‘I’ from the callout on the map, or in the mission view. The default height for the Waypoint is 25m and is set in the Settings view. (you may want to lower that for your test flight)
    Mission Callout Map View
    5. To run your mission, go to the dashboard. Now you will need to manually take-off, for example, to 10m and then go to loiter or pos-hold mode.
    6. Tap the dashboard screen to reveal the control panel, and press Auto (or select Auto from your Drone Transmitter)
    Your drone should now head to Waypoint 1 and then follow on to WP2 etc and will stop at the end and loiter. You can monitor on the Map View. For your first auto flight, keep your control handy to switch to Loiter/Alt Hold if something does’t seem to be going as planned. (Fly or Fly:Manual for Solo Control)

    Take Off to Loiter
    Heading to WP1
    Heading to WP2

    Hope that helps 🙂 Please ask more questions if it’s unclear and I will do my best to explain it.

    You may want to try Guided Mode first. This is done using the ‘+’ icon after a long press. In this case th drone will fly to the point under where finger was, at default 10m. (in a the next release it will drop a marker, it’s missing from the 1.1 release)

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 3 months ago by Bill B. Reason: Added Images
    • This reply was modified 9 years, 3 months ago by Bill B.
    • This reply was modified 9 years, 3 months ago by Bill B.
    • This reply was modified 9 years, 3 months ago by Bill B.
    • This reply was modified 9 years, 3 months ago by Bill B.
    in reply to: New wifi bridge #395
    Bill B

    I do have plans to make iPad version of the views. I focused on iPhone first since the Audio announcements are the killer feature when flying in the field.

    in reply to: Baud Rate #394
    Bill B

    You should verify you have telemetry data coming into the RPi from your serial Oort. You can use ‘screen’ to do than. I.e. screen /dev/ 57600 or whatever baud rate you have set.

    in reply to: Baud Rate #393
    Bill B

    MAVPilot and FMD use IP connections and don’t have a Baud rate parameter. The baud setting between the Radio and the Pi won’t effect the Apps

    in reply to: New wifi bridge #389
    Bill B

    I have one on order so I can do a write up on connecting it up to a 3DR Radio to make a long range bridge. Hopefully it comes soon.

    If you need help in figuring it out or have questions I can help, just post here and I will do my best.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 3 months ago by Bill B.
    in reply to: 1/2 connected #345
    Bill B

    Could you describe which system you are using? I’d like to help you get that working as expected.
    PS: sorry for the delay in replying

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 8 months ago by Bill B.
Viewing 9 posts - 46 through 54 (of 54 total)