MAV Pilot 1.1 for iPhone Updated


MAV Pilot v1.1 for iPhone has updated and published to the App Store. It supports connection to MAVLink compatible drones using WiFi (LTE/3G) including 3DR Solo.

MAV Pilot v1.1 has the following improvements

– Maps
– Support for more mission items with direct placement of Waypoints and ROI directly on map
– Guided mode
– Improved Audio Support (Text2Speech, custom speech strings possible)
– Improved App Settings for Network Connectivity.-
– New attitude Indicator on Dashboard
– New analog displays  on Dashboard
– Map ‘mini dashboard’ of important information
– Servo Commands
– Support for ArDrone 2.0 with Flight Recorder GPS
– General UI improvements

Download here (

Happy Flying… 🙂

Support here

PS: if you want to help with beta testing the next release, please contact me. Thx. Bill

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